Pros and Cons of Electric Cars 2023 (Unspoken Truths)

Pros and cons of electric cars can be hard to understand at first, but, don’t worry, I’m here to help you! As an engineer with over a decade of experience working for the world’s best auto manufacturers, I have closely followed the growth of electric vehicles (EVs) in recent years. EVs offer many advantages, but like any technology, there are both pros and cons of electric cars to be considered. So let’s explore what they are!

Pros and Cons of Electric Cars

Electric cars and pickups have recently become more popular as people are becoming more environmentally conscious and want to reduce their carbon footprint. However, like any other product, electric cars have their pros and cons. So, electric cars advantages and disadvantages, let’s check them out!

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In this table, I provide a comprehensive list of the advantages and disadvantages of electric cars, highlighting factors such as environmental friendliness, cost, convenience, and practicality.

PROS and CONS of Electric Cars

Environmentally friendlyExpensive upfront
Cheaper to operateLimited range
More comfortableLong charging time
Low maintenanceLimited charging infrastructure
Tax incentivesBattery degradation
Reduced dependence on foreign oilWeight
Better performanceExpensive car insurance
Better stability
Pros and Cons of Electric Cars

Electric vehicles (EVs) don’t require gas to run because they don’t have an engine. As such, they offer several advantages compared to traditional gas-powered cars. For one, EVs are typically more efficient and emit fewer emissions, which can help reduce their environmental impact. Additionally, EVs generally cost less to maintain since they have fewer parts than a traditional combustion engine car. They also come with lower fuel costs and may be eligible for government incentives.

However, electric vehicles aren’t without drawbacks. One downside is that they may require longer charging times when compared to refueling at a gas station. Furthermore, since many EVs use lithium-ion batteries, range can be limited, particularly when using older models. Additionally, these batteries can be expensive to replace or repair and EV parts may be harder to find than those for traditional cars.

Pros of Electric Cars

advantages and disadvantages of electric cars - Tesla

Electric cars offer several benefits over traditional gas-powered vehicles: from being environmentally friendly to having low maintenance costs. Let’s dive deeper into the advantages of electric cars!

Here are the advantages of electric vehicles:

1. Environmentally friendly

Electric cars emit significantly fewer greenhouse gases per mile driven compared to gasoline-powered models. In fact, most all-electric cars, if recharged using renewable energy, have zero tailpipe emissions at all, resulting in significantly better air quality and health outcomes for everyone living near heavily trafficked roads.

On average, EVs produce between 40-70% fewer greenhouse gases than gas-powered cars and have an overall lower environmental impact than traditional cars. So, if you really care about sustainability, an electric car is probably the way to go!

2. Cheaper to operate

So, electric cars are better for the environment. In addition, they can save money on petrol!

Electric cars offer a cost-effective alternative to gasoline-powered vehicles and hybrids as they have the lowest cost per mile. EV owners don’t have to spend much money on fuel because electric cars are more efficient and require less energy (and $) to run.

Travel Cost Per Mile – Gas vs Hybrid vs Electric Cars

Gas PriceGas CarHybrid CarElectric CarElectricity Price
2$ / gal0.09$ / mile0.04$ / mile0.01$ / mile0.02$ / kWh
2.5$ / gal0.14$ / mile0.06$ / mile0.03$ / mile0.09$ / kWh
3$ / gal0.17$ / mile0.07$ / mile0.05$ / mile0.16$ / kWh
3.5$ / gal0.20$ / mile0.08$ / mile0.07$ / mile0.23$ / kWh
Cost per mile based on gas and electricity prices – Gas vs Hybrid vs Electric Cars

The data in the above table has been extracted from the chart of the Idaho National Lab (INL) and shows that electric cars, as well as hybrids, can save owners a lot of money in fuel costs over time compared to hybrids and traditional gasoline or diesel vehicles.

So, even if electric cars can’t yet fully charge themselves on the go, in comparison to traditional gas-powered cars, electric cars offer a significant reduction in fuel costs, making them an attractive option for budget-conscious drivers.

3. More comfortable

One of the sweet perks of electric cars is that they’re quieter than a ninja in slippers. Seriously, they’re smooth as silk, which makes for a ride that’s a lot less noisy and bumpy compared to a traditional gas-guzzler.

With no engine noise, electric cars offer a more peaceful driving experience, while their instant torque provides a smooth and effortless acceleration that makes your morning commute a breeze.

Say goodbye to jerky gear changes and unpredictability on the road, and hello to a more relaxing and enjoyable ride!

4. Low maintenance

When it comes to operating costs, electric cars can be a much more budget-friendly option compared to traditional gas-powered automobiles.

Due to their reduced maintenance costs and fewer parts compared to conventional cars, buying an EV may also save owners money throughout the life cycle of ownership. For example, electric cars have a much simpler transmission and don’t require many other components such as alternators.

As a result, electric motors are also much cheaper to operate and maintain compared to internal combustion engines (ICE).

5. Tax incentives

Another score for electric cars! Not only are they eco-friendly, but they may also qualify for a tax incentive.

Many countries offer tax breaks to encourage people to go electric. It’s like getting a discount just for doing the right thing. You can put that money towards some sweet upgrades or even more road trips. So, if you’re ready to have a clean conscience and a little extra cash in your pocket, an electric car might just be the perfect ride for you.

6. Reduced dependence on foreign oil

Electric cars are basically roses among thorns when it comes to the environment. They help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and foreign oil. With electricity, we have alternatives to petrol, which is great news for everyone, except for the oil companies.

Whether you’re an environmentalist or someone looking to save money on gas, an electric car is worth considering. Nothing’s better than saving the planet while saving your cash, am I right?

7. Improved Performance

Finally, electric cars offer drivers an unparalleled driving experience that surpasses the performance of a gasoline-powered engine.

From luxurious sports cars like Tesla (one of the best green tech companies) and Porsche to everyday commuters, electric vehicles accelerate in a flash due to their high torque and can even leave gas models in the dust.

8. Better stability

The weight distribution of electric cars is often lower, which can improve their stability and handling, making them safer and more comfortable to drive.

This is because the heavy battery bank is generally positioned as low as possible, contributing to lower the center of gravity of the electric car.

Cons of Electric Cars

As much as we all want to be eco-friendly and save cash, everything has its downsides, and electric cars are no exception. Now I’ll go over some of the cons of electric vehicles, so you can have a better idea of their disadvantages before eventually purchasing one.

Here are the disadvantages of electric vehicles:

1. Expensive upfront

The initial cost of purchasing an EV is often higher than that of a conventional car.

Electric cars cost a pretty penny upfront, there’s no denying that. If you’re dreaming of owning a brand-spanking new Tesla, you’re going to have to fork over a significant amount of cash.

Electric cars are still considered a luxury, which means you’re going to get hit with luxury prices. However, keep in mind that electric cars are a long-term investment. While they may be more expensive upfront, they’ll eventually save you money on gas and maintenance costs, making them worth the extra upfront investment in the long run.

Finally, there are additional costs associated with owning an EV such as installation fees for installing chargers in your home or business. It’s worthwhile doing some research prior to purchase so you can get the best deal.

2. Limited range

Electric cars have come a long way, some can now travel up to 400 miles on a single charge, though for some people this might not be far enough.

This could be especially true if you’re someone who lives in an area where access to public charging is limited or non-existent, or if you do a lot of long-distance driving. In these cases, having the right range is critical.

Furthermore, batteries with longer ranges can also lead to heavier vehicles that are less efficient and require more frequent charging. Lighter vehicles tend to have shorter range and require more frequent charging. In addition, depending on the climate, battery performance, and hence range, can decline due to extreme cold or heat.

3. Long charging time

One of the biggest cons of owning an electric car is the long charging time. Let’s be real, waiting for your car to charge is not as exciting as waiting for a pizza to arrive.

If you don’t have access to modern charging infrastructure (like the Tesla supercharger), it can take hours to fully charge an electric car, which can be a pain if you’re in a hurry. While some chargers can give you a quick boost, it’s not the same as filling up a gas tank in a few minutes.

However, if you plan ahead and time your charging correctly, you can minimize the inconvenience of the charging time.

4. Limited charging infrastructure

Let’s be honest, finding a charging station for your electric car can be a wild goose chase. There’s no guarantee that you’ll find a charging station near you or along your route, which means you need to plan your trips accordingly, or risk being stranded on the side of the road.

The charging infrastructure for electric cars is still in its infancy, which means there are fewer charging stations available than gas stations. However, efforts are being made to increase the number of charging stations, and with time this issue may become less of a concern.

All this adds up to an understandable hesitation when it comes to buying electric vehicles.

5. Battery degradation

Electric car batteries can be finicky, and over time, they can begin to degrade. As the battery ages, you may experience less range and reduced overall performance, which is the last thing you want from your car.

Plus, replacing the battery can be a costly endeavor, so it’s important to take proper care of your battery to maximize its lifespan. On the other hand, some electric car manufacturers offer warranties that cover battery replacements, and, thanks to the advancement of technology, newer batteries are improving in performance and durability, which may address this issue in the future.

6. Weight

Electric cars are usually heavier than traditional gasoline cars because of their battery packs. This extra weight can negatively impact their acceleration, handling, and overall performance.

7. Expensive car insurance

What about insurance rates? Insurance companies often require higher premiums for electric cars due to the potential of greater expense if something goes wrong.

Should you be involved in an accident, or need to replace the battery pack, they may be liable for a more significant sum than if you had a traditional vehicle. As such, electric cars usually come with a greater initial cost as well as higher repair costs.

Luckily, there are ways to save on car insurance, like Drive Safe and Save by State Farm.

There you have it! Now you know the pros and cons of electric vehicles. Now, let’s have a look at other factors you should consider before purchasing an electric car.

Factors To Consider When Buying An Electric Car

Battery Life

Before you make a decision to purchase an electric car, especially if used, it’s important to remember that the battery life is limited, and replacing it can be costly.

Batteries are designed to last anywhere from five years up to 15 years depending on type and usage. However, like any other kind of energy storage device they will eventually start losing capacity over time which will significantly reduce battery life span leading many people opting for leasing rather than buying outright.

Charging Options

Bear in mind that living accommodations can play a huge role in accessibility to charging stations which landlords or apartment buildings may not permit the installation of home charging systems.

Total Cost of Ownership

The cost of owning an electric vehicle is typically lower than a gasoline-powered car. The lack of oil changes for cars like Teslas, state subsidies, and federal tax credits, not to mention the savings on fuel costs, make electric vehicles much more affordable in the long run. Some states even offer additional rebates which can further reduce the price tag at purchase. So it pays to do some research beforehand for the potential savings available!

Are electric cars worth it?

It depends. After evaluating the pros and cons electric cars, we can conclude that:

  • For urban drivers and short commutes, electric cars are often worth it due to lower operating costs and reduced emissions.
  • Limited range and charging infrastructure can make them impractical for some rural or long-haul drivers.

As technology improves, electric cars will become viable for more people. So, by evaluating your specific circumstances and needs, you will be able to take the right decision.

Current Electric Cars Market Share

The growth of electric vehicles has been exponential since their introduction in 2010. As of 2022, there were an estimated 1.7 million electric cars on the road in the United States alone. In addition, it is estimated that in 2023 there will be about 0.95 million electric vehicles sold globally, with China leading the way.

Despite this growth, electric vehicles still make up only a small fraction of overall vehicle sales worldwide, indicating that there is still substantial room for further market penetration.


Is electric vehicle charging a potential safety hazard?

Electricity is definitely a more convenient and effective way to power your car, but one must be aware of the potential security threats. The user needs to handle electric cables when charging an electric car, this can lead to potential safety risks if not handled correctly.

What is the most significant hurdle for electric cars?

Electric automobiles can be an expensive investment, especially when compared to traditional gasoline or diesel models. Despite their efficiency and lack of emissions, the cost of these vehicles hinders many people who are looking for a more affordable option.


Now you have a better understanding of the pros and cons of electric cars.

Overall, electric vehicles offer a number of advantages over traditional gas-powered cars. They are generally more efficient and emit fewer emissions, cost less to maintain, have lower fuel costs, and may be eligible for government incentives.

However, they may require longer charging times than fueling up at a gas station and their range can sometimes be limited depending on the battery technology.

Electric car pros and cons need to be considered when considering the switch from a gas or hybrid. Factors such as driving habits and personal preference should be carefully weighed before making an investment in an EV. Ultimately, the electric cars pros and cons will depend on individual needs and goals.