Write For Us: Guidelines

If you are passionate about sustainable living and eco-friendly practices, then we invite you to contribute informative blog articles to Sustainability Success. Our goal is to provide readers with valuable information about topics such as sustainability, green tech, zero waste, green tourism, green living, eco-friendly products and brands, and natural living.

Content Guidelines

Before submitting your guest post request, please read the following guidelines:

  • We accept only articles written in English and of excellent quality.
  • Your content must be unique and informative. We do not accept content that has already been published elsewhere on the web.
  • Your article should be a minimum of 1000 words, but we prefer posts between 1500-2000 words.
  • Use subheadings to organize the content and break up large blocks of text and make your post easier to read. Max 50 words in a paragraph, better if about half of that.
  • Use short sentences.
  • Use bold to highlight key information in your article.
  • Include up to 2 authoritative links in your article to provide readers with additional sources of information.
  • We encourage you to include videos to enhance your post (supply the URL of a relevant YouTube video).
  • Include relevant data and expert interview quotes if applicable. Guest posts with unique data and information will have a better chance of being accepted.

If accepted, we will produce the graphics for the post before publication.

Originality and Ownership

The submitted guest blog post should be entirely original (and you should own the rights for it) and not have any parts found elsewhere on the search engine result pages. Our goal is to provide our readers with unique and engaging content that they cannot find anywhere else.

Once we approve your post, we become the sole owner of its copyright, and you are not allowed to use the content anywhere else on the web or any other medium. We want to maintain the exclusivity of our content and ensure that our readers have access to original and informative articles.

Article Removal Requests

If your article is published on our website, it becomes the sole property of our website, therefore no removal requests will be approved.

External links must point to reliable sources. Please include the relevant authoritative sources you used for your article.

Submission Process

When submitting your guest post, please include the following in your email:

  • Use the contact form available here to make your pitch.
  • A brief introduction (max 50 words) about yourself and your interest and experience in sustainable living, green tech, and sustainability.
  • Your topic ideas (we will finalize the topic with you if accepted).
  • An author bio, an headshot, and author’s social links (Note: only links to the author’s personal social profiles are allowed on the author page).

We will review your submission and get back to you within seven business days. Together, we can create a more sustainable future, one blog post at a time.

Please note that due to the high influx of requests we receive, we can only accept a very limited number of guest posts per year. Therefore, it can be difficult to get your submission accepted. We will review your content thoroughly, and if it aligns with our values and meets our guidelines, we will be happy to feature it on our platform.

We are delighted about your interest in publishing a guest post on our blog!