Do Solar Panels Increase Home Value? Uncover the Surprising Benefits Now!

As a homeowner, I understand the importance of making investments that will increase the value of my property. I’m sure you’re wondering if investing in solar panels is worth it – and I’m here to tell you that the answer is yes! Do solar panels increase home value? Absolutely! Let me explain the surprising benefits you can expect when you make this decision.

Yes, solar panels can increase the value of a home. A study by the LBL, and more recently by Zillow found that homes with solar panels sold for an average of 4.1% more (ranging between 2.7% and 5.4% more) than comparable homes without solar panels. Additionally, homes with solar panels sell faster than homes without.

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If you are considering upgrading your home to green energy, then keep reading for a quick overview of the different solar panels and systems you can choose from.

What Are Solar Panels and How Do They Work?

Solar panels are a great example of green tech, in fact, those devices use the sun’s energy to generate electricity. They are made up of photovoltaic cells, which convert sunlight into electricity. Solar panels are a renewable energy source and can provide a reliable source of electricity for homes and businesses.

What Is Solar Energy?

Solar energy is energy that comes from the sun. It is a renewable energy source that can power homes and businesses. Solar energy is clean, abundant, and free. It is also one of the most efficient sources of energy available, as it can be used to generate electricity directly from sunlight.

How Do Solar Panels Generate Electricity?

The Photovoltaic Effect

Solar panels generate electricity through a process called the photovoltaic effect. This occurs when photons from the sun’s rays hit the photovoltaic cells in the solar panel and cause electrons to move between two layers of material. This creates an electric current, which is then converted into usable electricity.

Converting Solar Energy to Electricity

Once the electric current is generated, it passes through an inverter, which converts it into alternating current (AC) electricity that can be used in homes and businesses. The AC electricity is then sent to a utility grid or stored in batteries for future use.

Types of Solar Panels and Systems

Solar panels come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and technologies. The type of panel you choose will depend on your energy needs, budget, and location. And don’t forget to ask those questions to the solar company beforehand!

Solar systems also come in different configurations, depending on whether you are connecting to the grid or going off-grid.

Solar Panel Options

The most popular types of solar panels are monocrystalline and polycrystalline.

  • Monocrystalline panels are made from single-crystal silicon and are more efficient than polycrystalline panels.
  • Polycrystalline panels are made from multiple silicon crystals and are usually less expensive than monocrystalline.
  • Thin-film solar panels are also available. These panels are made from thin layers of semiconductor materials that can be applied directly to surfaces like roofs or walls. Thin-film solar panels are lightweight and flexible, but they are less efficient than monocrystalline or polycrystalline panels.

Solar System Options

Solar systems can be connected to the grid (grid-connected systems) or not connected to the grid (off-grid systems).

  • Grid-connected systems send excess electricity generated by the solar system back to the grid for use by other customers.
  • Off-grid systems store excess electricity in batteries for use when the sun is not shining.
Grid-Connected Systems

Grid-connected systems are the most common type of solar system. These systems allow homeowners to take advantage of net metering, which allows them to sell excess electricity back to their utility company at a credit. This can help offset the cost of the system and make it more affordable.

Off-Grid Systems

Off-grid systems are typically used for RVs or in remote locations where there is no access to the electric grid. These systems require batteries to store excess electricity for use when the sun is not shining.

Off-grid systems can be more expensive than grid-connected systems due to the cost of batteries and other components. However, they also guarantee self-sustainability with all the comforts.

Do Solar Panels Increase Home Value?

Research has shown that homes with solar panels can increase in value when compared to similar homes without solar panels. This is due in part to the fact that solar installations can reduce energy costs for homeowners and provide a reliable source of electricity.

What Does the Research Say?

The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Study

A 2014 study conducted by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory found that homes with solar installations can attract a significant premium in resale value.

More recently, in the data published by Zillow in 2019 shows an average of 4.1% to a home’s value. This means that a home with a $300,000 value could increase by up to $12,300 if it had a solar installation.

Additionally, also a study by the Appraisal Institute found that homes with solar panels in the Denver metropolitan area sell faster and for higher values than those without them.

Other Studies on Home Selling Faster with Solar Panels

Other studies have found that homes with solar installations not only can increase in value of a home but also help to sell it more quickly.

For example, a study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory found that solar installations can sell up to 20% faster in some areas.

How Much Do Solar Systems Cost?

The cost of solar systems varies depending on the size, type, and complexity of the system. Generally, a solar system can range from $10,000 to $20,000 for a small residential system. Larger systems can cost up to $50,000 or more.

Cost of the Solar System

The cost of the solar system itself is usually the most significant expense. This includes the cost of the panels, mounting hardware, and other required components. Depending on your location, you may also need to factor in the cost of permits and inspections.

To determine the cost of your solar system, you will need to calculate how many solar panels you need, the size of the eventual battery bank, the number of solar charge controllers, and the size of the necessary inverter.

Installation Costs

Solar installation costs can vary widely depending on the complexity of the system and the installer’s experience. It’s important to find an experienced installer who can properly install your system and ensure it meets all safety requirements.

Maintenance Costs

Solar systems require regular maintenance to keep them running efficiently. This includes cleaning and inspecting the panels, replacing worn parts, and troubleshooting any issues that arise. The cost of maintenance will depend on the type of system you have and how often it needs to be serviced.

Tax Credits and Incentives for Installing Solar Panels

Many states offer tax credits and incentives for installing solar panels. These can help offset some of the costs associated with installing a solar system. It’s important to research any available incentives in your area before making a decision.

How Much Can You Save With a Solar System?

Installing a solar system can significantly reduce your electricity bills. Depending on your location and system size, you could save hundreds or even thousands of dollars each year in electricity costs. In addition, many states offer net metering programs that allow you to sell excess energy back to the grid.

Reducing Your Electricity Bill With a Solar System

  • Reduce your electricity bill by generating your own energy.
  • Make use of net metering programs to sell excess energy back to the grid.
  • Take advantage of available tax credits and incentives.

How Does a Solar System Boost Home Value?

Research has shown that homes with solar systems tend to sell faster than those without them. In addition, studies have found that homes with solar systems may increase in value by up to $20,000 in some areas. This makes solar systems an attractive investment for homeowners looking to boost their home’s value.


Do solar panels increase the value of a property when appraised?

Yes, solar panels can add value to appraisals. A survey conducted by Zillow reports that homes with solar panels tend to have a 4.1% higher appraised value than those without. However, this value may vary depending on the location and other factors.

Do solar panels increase the value of a home according to real estate agents?

Yes, solar panels can increase the value of your home in the eyes of a realtor. According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), the market value of a home increases by $20 for every $1 saved on utility bills. Additionally, having solar panels installed on a home can make it more appealing to potential buyers and help it stand out in the market.

What methods do appraisers use to assess the value of solar energy systems?

Appraisers typically value solar by estimating the production or establishing the wattage needed to produce the energy at a given location. They can then use the cost and income approaches to develop a conclusion on the value. They may also ask for a year’s worth of utility bills to analyze usage and kilowatt hour rate.

Do appraisers take solar panels into account when assessing value?

Yes, appraisers do take solar panels into account when valuing a home. They may adjust the value of the home based on the estimated cost of the solar panel system, as well as its potential energy savings.

When considering solar panels in an appraisal, appraisers will look at factors such as:

  • The size and type of solar panel system
  • The estimated cost to install the system
  • Estimated energy savings over time
  • The condition of the system

Is it more difficult to find a buyer for a house with solar panels?

No, it is not harder to sell a house with solar panels. In fact, research from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory shows that homes with solar panels sell 20% faster and for 17% more than those without. Solar panels are a great way to add value to your home and make it more attractive to buyers.

What is the potential increase in value that solar panels can bring to a home?

Solar panels can add significant value to a home. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, installing solar panels can increase the value of a home by an average of 4.1%. This increase in value can be seen in the form of higher resale prices, lower energy bills, and potential tax credits.

The benefits of solar panel installation include:

  • Lower energy bills
  • Reduced environmental impact and improved sustainability
  • Potential tax credits and incentives
  • Increased home value


In conclusion, it is clear: do solar panels increase home value? Not only do they provide clean energy, but they can also save you money on your energy bills, reduce your carbon footprint, and even increase the value of your home. Investing in solar panels is a great way to make your home more sustainable and valuable.

This is not only true for houses, In fact, a solar installation can also increase the value of an RV.

If you are looking to make your home more valuable, then investing in solar energy by installing solar panels on your roof is a great decision. Not only will they help you save money on energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint, but they will also increase the value of your home. Do your research and find out how solar panels can benefit you and your home today!