Electric Car Maintenance (COSTS, Frequency & Pitfalls)

As an engineer passionate about green technology, I have immersed myself in the world of electric car maintenance. And let me tell you, the truth may shock you. In this blog post, I will provide tips and insights on the costs and maintenance needs of electric trucks and cars.

Electric car maintenance includes regular check-ups and repair needs that can arise from malfunctioning battery systems or charging mechanisms. The top five areas where electric cars may require maintenance include brake systems, tires, coolant systems, suspension components, and electrical wiring or control systems.

While electric vehicles may require less maintenance than gasoline-powered cars, prompt attention to these maintenance needs is essential to ensure optimal performance and longevity of the vehicle.

Regular inspections can also help prevent costly repairs and ensure the smooth operation of electric cars.

Electric cars tend to be pricier compared to conventional petrol or diesel cars. However, they offer various opportunities for savings. These include exemptions from road tax and congestion charges, as well as lower maintenance costs.

Electric vehicles (EVs) don’t have an engine and operate with less than 20 moving parts, while internal combustion engines require around 2,000 moving parts. With fewer components, the chances of something going wrong with an EV are reduced, resulting in lower vehicle service expenses.

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Now, let’s dive deeper into the electric car maintenance needs!

Electric Car Maintenance Costs Vs Traditional Cars

Electric Car Maintenance

Electric cars have their pros and cons, but they are often more affordable to maintain compared to standard cars. One potential cost, which is the most expensive, involves replacing the battery, which could amount to $10,000.

However, the majority of the time, electric vehicle maintenance tends to be inexpensive. This is due to their reduced number of moving parts (for example, they have a simplified transmission and don’t have alternators), resulting in fewer opportunities for damage compared to petrol cars.

EVs are known for their cost advantages regarding maintenance, with savings of around 30% compared to traditional cars, and potentially even up to 50%. However, it should be noted that maintenance costs can vary based on the specific make and model.

When comparing plug-in hybrids to full-petrol or diesel cars, they generally come out as the more affordable option in terms of maintenance.

However, it’s important to mention that they still have some conventional car parts, including an engine, exhausts, clutches, and gearboxes, which may require maintenance and incur associated costs. On the other hand, fully-electric cars tend to be less expensive to maintain.

EV Battery Repair Costs

Battery cells can be repaired instead of replacing the entire battery, though it is quite uncommon and most people won’t encounter this issue.

Costs for repairs differ depending on the manufacturer, and repairs need to be done directly by them. It’s advisable to verify if the warranty covers battery repairs.

An EV battery repair is going to extend the battery life, allowing you to postpone a more expensive battery replacement.

Required maintenance for an electric car

Here’s the maintenance needed to keep your electric car in good shape and prolong its lifespan:

1. EV Battery Pack Maintenance

Regular check-ups and maintenance are essential to ensure the health and performance of your EV’s battery pack. This includes monitoring its capacity, balancing the cells, and keeping it within the recommended temperature range for optimal longevity.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory of the United States is predicting that today’s electric vehicle (EV) batteries will have service lives ranging from 12 to 15 years when used in moderate climates.

However, if regular use takes place in extreme environments, this estimated service life decreases to 8 to 12 years.

Despite these variations, EV batteries generally require minimal maintenance throughout their service life. Nevertheless, there are several actions that drivers can take to prolong the life of their EV’s battery pack:

A. Avoid extreme temperatures

If you want to maximize the lifespan of your EV’s battery, it’s crucial to keep it away from extreme temperature conditions. Trust me, extreme heat, and cold can eventually harm those cells! So, try to find a cozy spot to park your electric beauty, away from scorching sun or freezing winters. Your battery will thank you for it!

Anyway, automakers take extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, into account when developing their electric vehicles (EVs). They equip these vehicles with auxiliary cooling and heating systems to ensure the battery temperature remains at acceptable levels.

This practice generally prevents adverse effects on the battery caused by temperature fluctuations.

B. Limit the use of fast chargers

Fast chargers, despite their convenience in rapid recharging, degrade battery packs at a quicker rate than slower 120- or 240-volt charging. However, the exact impact of fast charging on battery life remains uncertain in these early stages of modern EVs.

In a road-trip scenario, fast charging becomes necessary because EVs can’t charge themselves, so there is no reason to avoid it.

Nonetheless, relying exclusively on fast charging when buying an EV is not advisable, both in terms of battery life and cost. It is worth noting that fast charging costs three to four times more per kilowatt-hour of energy compared to home charging.

C. Use the battery between 20-80% charge

Batteries degrade faster when charged to their maximum capacity and especially when completely discharged. Fortunately, many manufacturers help fight battery degradation by limiting full-capacity charging.

Most cars offer settings to charge to less than 100 percent, with automakers often recommending a daily charge level of 85 or 90 percent.

2. Electronics

Regular check-ups and firmware updates for the power electronics system are crucial for optimal efficiency and performance. This includes monitoring inverters, converters, and other electronic components.

Given that EVs rely heavily on electronics, owners should also consider car cybersecurity. VPN will help with this, the main thing is high-speed and safe. For example, VeePN offers VPN connection speeds up to 100 Mbps on most of their servers. This is enough for any media content, including high definition.

3. Brakes

Despite regenerative braking, EVs still use mechanical brakes. It’s important to inspect brake pads and rotors regularly to ensure they are in good condition and replace them when necessary to maintain safe and efficient braking performance.

4. Tires

Regular tire maintenance is crucial for both safety and efficiency. This involves rotating tires, checking inflation levels, and monitoring tread depth. Good tire maintenance helps ensure optimal grip and extends tire lifespan.

It’s worth noting that the regenerative braking system employed in electric cars can contribute to a longer tire lifespan. With regenerative braking, the electric motor helps slow down the vehicle, reducing the wear on the brake pads.

This gentler braking behavior can lead to less frequent tire replacements and extended longevity for the tires.

5. Cooling System

EVs rely on cooling systems to regulate battery and motor temperatures. It’s important to inspect, clean, and potentially replace cooling components as needed to prevent overheating and maintain optimal performance and longevity.

6. Charging System

ev maintenance - charging system

The charging system, including cables, connectors, and plugs, should be regularly inspected for wear and tear. Proper maintenance helps ensure reliable and efficient charging, safeguarding against charging interruptions.

How Often Do Electric Cars Need Maintenance?

how often do electric cars need maintenance

Electric cars generally require less maintenance compared to petrol cars. With fewer parts, there is a reduced chance of things going wrong. Additionally, routine costs such as oil changes are not necessary for EVs.

EV manufacturers typically provide service plans for their electric cars. These plans, similar to mobile phone contracts, are often paid monthly by drivers in exchange for regular servicing.

Compared to servicing petrol cars, these services are generally more affordable. For instance, the Renault Zoe’s service plan costs only $399 for three years and 30,000 miles.

However, it’s important to note that these service plans do not typically cover wear and tear items such as brake components or windscreen wipers.

How Often Should You Contact the Service?

The frequency of car servicing varies according to the specific car model. Nissan recommends a service for its Leaf after every 12,000 km, while Tesla suggests inspections every 16,000 – 20,000 km.

Regular servicing is essential for maintaining optimal car performance, maximizing battery lifespan, and preventing costly maintenance issues in the future.

How Long Does a Battery Last in EVs?

The battery is a crucial component of an electric vehicle, and it may require replacement over time. The lifespan of a battery depends on various factors such as driving habits and the specific EV model.

Generally, a good rule of thumb is to add two years to the EV’s warranty and anticipate the battery to last approximately that long.

For instance, estimations suggest that the Nissan Leaf and Jaguar I-Pace typically endure for around eight years, while the Tesla Model 3 has an anticipated lifespan ranging from 21 to 35 years.

As an EV ages, it undergoes degradation with each charging cycle. Initially, these degradations are minimal, and their impact on the EV’s driving range might go unnoticed. However, over time, these increments accumulate, significantly affecting the battery’s lifespan.

On average, EVs experience an annual range loss of about 1-2%, meaning that after five years of use. You may experience a reduction of approximately 10% of the battery’s total capacity.

Electric Car Maintenance PITFALLS

While electric cars generally require less maintenance compared to traditional vehicles, there are still a few potential pitfalls to be aware of. Here are some common maintenance pitfalls for electric car owners:

Improper Charging Habits:

Using improper charging methods or charging from unreliable power sources can have a negative impact on battery health. It’s important to follow manufacturer guidelines, use recommended chargers, and avoid using fast chargers excessively to ensure optimal battery life.

Ignoring Software/Firmware Updates:

Electric cars often receive software or firmware updates from manufacturers to enhance performance, address bugs, or improve battery management.

Neglecting these updates might result in missed benefits or reduced efficiency. Keep an eye out for updates and have them installed as recommended.

Neglecting Coolant and Fluid Checks:

While electric cars lack internal combustion engines, they still rely on cooling systems for battery temperature regulation. Neglecting coolant and fluid checks can lead to overheating or system malfunctions.

Regularly inspect the cooling system and fluid levels to ensure proper functionality.

Ignoring Recalls and Service Bulletins:

Manufacturers occasionally issue recalls or service bulletins related to specific components or systems of electric vehicles.

Failing to address these can lead to potential safety issues or missed warranty coverage. Stay informed about any recalls or service bulletins affecting your electric car and have them promptly addressed.

Inadequate Winter Preparations:

As mentioned earlier, extreme cold temperatures can affect the performance and range of electric vehicles.

Neglecting to prepare for winter conditions, such as ensuring proper tire grip, maintaining battery health in colder climates, and using preconditioning features, can result in reduced efficiency and potential issues during winter driving.

EV Warranties

When it comes to electric vehicles, it’s essential to be aware of the warranties provided by manufacturers. EV warranties may cover specific components like the battery, electric motor, and powertrain for a certain period or mileage.

Understanding the terms and conditions of your EV warranty can help you make informed decisions about maintenance, repairs, and potential costs.

Many manufacturers offer a guarantee to replace the EV if it falls below 80% within eight years and 100,000 miles of driving. The specifics of an EV’s warranty differ based on the model and battery size.


Do gas vehicles outlast electric ones?

There is a common misconception that gas-powered vehicles have longer lifespans than electric cars. However, recent studies have shown that the opposite is actually true.

Electric cars have been found to have longer lifespans due to their simpler design and fewer moving parts. In addition, EV owners pay significantly less for repair and maintenance, further extending the lifespan of their vehicles.

However, keep in mind that at some time, depending on your electric car model, you may have to repair or replace the battery, which could be expensive.

Are EV maintenance costs high?

Many drivers are curious about how much it costs to maintain an electric vehicle. The good news is that EV owners typically enjoy lower maintenance costs than traditional car owners.

This is because, given how electric cars like Tesla work, they have fewer moving parts, which means there are fewer components that will wear out or need to be replaced.

  • Most electric vehicles require no oil changes and less of other routine maintenance tasks.
  • EVs are often covered by longer warranties than gas-powered vehicles, providing added peace of mind.
  • While the initial purchase price of an electric car may be higher than a gas-powered car, the lower maintenance costs over time can help offset that additional expense.

What is the lifespan of electric vehicles?

Electric cars have a longer lifespan compared to their gasoline counterparts. Additionally, the batteries on EVs are designed to last a considerable amount of miles, with some manufacturers making even bolder promises.

Furthermore, EV owners enjoy lower repair and maintenance costs, making it a financially wise choice in the long run.


There you have it! Now you know what to expect for electric car maintenance. Although electric vehicles require less maintenance compared to petrol cars, regular servicing is still necessary to ensure optimal performance.

Besides, proper battery care is essential for maximizing the lifespan of EVs. Understanding and following manufacturers’ recommendations regarding charging habits and service plans can help keep your EV healthy and running smoothly.

Finally, electric vehicles have lower operating costs compared to their gas and hybrid counterparts. In fact, an electric car like Tesla doesn’t use gas at all and electricity is cheaper than gasoline!

So, what are you waiting for? Go out and get that shiny new electric car and let’s start reaping the related environmental benefits!

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